Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer BBQ

I have been a little busy at work and haven't had time to blog!
This is going to look like the post is all about me...and it kind of is. :)
My other company, day job, that I work for had their Summer BBQ today. I was on the party committee, naturally, and I got to choose the activities! We rented the bungee run, sumo suits, and a dunk tank! We got them all for around $700 (which is a great deal WITH a discount) from Party Hoppers. Below are pictures, mostly of me. I got nominated to be dunked in the dunk tank. It was on my Bucket List, so I was pretty happy.

The president and my boss on the bungee run

Helping suit up for Sumo

Before I got dunked

Dunking my boss, notice the sno-cone syrup on my shirt....yeah....classy.


Shooting shirts at people

Dunked again. 5 times to be exact.

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